Since education is a partnership between the home and school, regular communication is essential.
A Parent Information Evening is held at the beginning of every school year where teachers outline the Curriculum and inform parents about home learning expectations, camps and any other special events.
Accountabilities to parents are reported by:
- A written report at the end of each Semester which:
- Includes comments about a student’s strengths, areas for improvement and recommendations to assist with this.
- Uses A – E (or equivalent) descriptors
- Provides parents with an opportunity for an interview if required
- Oral Interviews are conducted with parents at the end of Term 1
- National Assessment Program – English and Numeracy (NAPLAN) reports for Year 3 and 5
Parents are welcome to make an appointment to meet with a class teacher/s. In many instances this will have to be in advance as teachers often make other commitments before or after school. If you wish to contact class teachers by telephone please do this before or after class time. Emails may be forwarded via the School Administration Officer.