The St Gerard Majella School Board nurtures the context of student learning, which is the direct responsibility of the teachers and Principal. Board members share in the policy making process to assist the School to achieve its mission. Specific activities include:
- Policy development
- Consultation with parents and the broader school community
- Collaboration with the P & F
- Address the diverse needs of students through a culture of inclusiveness
- Guide rigorous renewal and planning practices at the individual, school and system levels.
St Paul in his letter to the Corinthians reminds us that there are many different ways to serve and that each of us has different abilities, but by working together a great deal can be accomplished that could not be done by one person alone.
That insight underlies the Board model of shared wisdom. It means that each of us is valuable and important and that each has a role to play in the life of the school.
Sometimes we don’t fully understand our own abilities and the way that they can complement the abilities of those around us.
The Board relies on that complementarity to work at its best. The wisdom and knowledge of each member works together with that of others to accomplish what couldn’t be done by one.
There are many ways in which parents can help the school to achieve its mission. The Board is an important means by which parents can help in that mission.