The uniqueness and individuality of students and families is recognised and welcomed at St Gerard Majella School, where we are committed to fostering cultures of compassion, faith, justice and inclusion.
School staff respond to the educational needs of all students; valuing their diversity, recognising their rights and providing equitable access to ensure students meet their educational needs within a supportive Christian community. The school works together with families and school community members to create unique pathways and options for students to support them in achieving goals.
St Gerard Majella School has access to school Leaders of Diversity and a School Counsellor as well as Catholic Education’s Consultant Inclusive Education Speech Language Pathologists, Psychologists, Occupational Therapists, Physiotherapists, Indigenous Education Officers and Consultant Diversity Multilingual Learners EAL/D (English as Additional Language or Dialect). School staff also collaborate with a range of external agencies to enhance support of the individual needs of students.